2013. június 23., vasárnap

"Tis distance lends enchantment to the view, and robes the mountain in its azure hue."

So let's observe the thing, or case, from the distance of an "estrella distante"
As matter of fact:
1.) There are two tribes.
2.) But one of these hates the other, and the raisons are not interesting. There is not a real reason.
3.) The other (which is hated by the first) is much more developed then the first.
4.) The second- let's call it better A (the less educated which hates the other) and B (the more sophisticated tribe) - so B, as she's more developed emotionally as well, feels and suffers to be hated. Naturally.
5.) But B can not decide, as she's intelligent and philanthropic, to say A is just dumb and that's why she hates her. So she searches her own mistakes to be hated by tribe A.
6.) Anyway, as tribe B is intelligent, she's able to move onward by her wisdom and one day she can arrive  to the following conclusion : she'll be able to maintain distance, she will able not to undergo the feeling of being hated. She'll stop to suffer, I'm convinced. Anyway, there are other tribes which love tribe B.

2013. június 5., szerda

Canción de lo interminable

cuando aún no era nadie
luz, diáfana luz,
dormí a menudo
en los arroyos sinuosos.

al devenir en alguien -casi-
piedra, arisca piedra, estriada de hielo
una fuerza enorme me revolcó,
cuesta abajo.

y por fin despejarse, aclarar, vivir:
llama, desnuda llama,
en el esferico espacio infinito
muestro nuestra patria real.